Home > Products > Software Updates > V5.1 Software

Welcome to our latest and most extensive software for compatible DASDEC™ and One-Net™ series of emergency messaging platforms. Version 5.1 is a giant leap forward, furthering the company’s commitment to providing the best flexible emergency messaging platform.
This is the first time the Version 5 software series, with its new user interface and upgraded operating system, has been available for older, but compatible DASDEC-II and One-Net SE units in the field, and is readily installable on any DASDEC-III model. The DASDEC-II or One-Net SE model must be a series /3 or greater with a 64-bit capable CPU. See the table below for more details.

Customers can check the CPU to verify compatibility by following the information in this application note:
Hardware Identification App Note
You can get more details on the Version 5 upgrade by reading the datasheet here: DS-VERSION_5.0_R1.2.pdf
To begin the process, you will need to obtain a V5.0 Enabling Key license and the password to the download site. Once you have a V5.0 Enabling Key you’re ready to get started, just click here << link to page >>
Purchasing and installing Version 5.1 depends on the currently DASDEC/One-Net software version:
• For Version 3.x customers please order V5.0 LEGACY UP
• For Version 4.x customers please order V5.0 UP
We’d love to offer free upgrades; however, our development costs are not inconsequential. As always, our relationship is important so we have tried to keep this as low as possible and provide the level of service and support customers have always enjoyed.
As noted above, Version 5.1 is only supported by DASDEC-II and One-Net SE models with 64-bit processors. Customers with incompatible DASDECs or One-Nets please visit our UP-TRADE page (UP•TRADE Program) for information on upgrading your platform, which includes Version 5.1 as well as several other benefits.
There are several ways to order the V5.0 Enabling Key
• Credit Card
• Company Purchase Order (credit approved)
• Company Check
1. For Credit Card purchases
Please phone our customer service department at 585-765-1155 to process the order. You can call our support team during business hours. 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM EDT. Be sure to have your unit’s serial number to complete the order.
2. Company Purchase Orders
For company purchase orders …
By email:
Please forward to Support support@digitalalertsystems.com
Be sure to include the unit serial number(s) to complete the order.
By mail:
Digital Alert Systems,100 Housel Ave., Lyndonville, NY 14098
Attn: Customer Service
Be sure to include the unit serial number(s) to complete the order.
By fax:
Send to +1 (585) 765-9330
Attn: Customer Service
Be sure to include the unit serial number(s) to complete the order.
3. Company Check
Please remit payment to
Digital Alert Systems, 100 Housel Ave., Lyndonville, NY 14098
Attn: Customer Service
Be sure to include the unit serial number(s) to complete the order.
A V5.0 Enable License Key for each serial number will be emailed to the appropriate designee along with the V5.0 Download link password to access the download site. Users will be greeted with information and download instructions on the download site, including details on the model and software packages to complete the upgrade.
The site also includes a link to download the new <User Manual - Version 5> for new manual and instructions.
If you already have the V5.0 Enabling Key simply proceed to the <V5.1 Upgrade ...> link and follow the instructions. You will need the Download Link password to enter the site. Contact support@digitalalertsystems.com if you need access credentials. Again, include your serial number for verification purposes.