HALO is designed in a modular fashion so users can scale the perfect solution to fit their specific environment or needs and can be installed on stand-alone hardware or integrated into a large data center in virtual machine environments. Besides scalability, HALO supports redundancy with automatic failover, so have a dozen units to manage? Easy. Have hundreds? No problem. Each of the optional HALO modules provides a different view or level of interactivity to meet specific user’s requirements. Everything works via a secure IP connection between EAS devices and the HALO Core Module (HALO-CM), sending information when requested, or when necessary all through a comprehensive database. From this information HALO Core allows other HALO modules to “act” on the data for sophisticated queries, searches, visual representations, geographic-based displays, and a host of other applications including those timely and critical FCC reports.

Core Module [HALO-CM]
The Core Module is the central point for EAS device communications, data storage, and connections to other HALO modules. All data is stored in a highly-reliable SQL database where users, permissions, and groups administration is performed through the simple user interface. The Core Module also serves as the secure communications connection point for the data exchanged between EAS devices. Verbose logging and a unique ability to add a note to any event speeds troubleshooting tasks.

Basic Configuration Module [HALO-BCM]
The HALO Basic Configuration Module provides critical support for EAS operations by assuring the latest configuration settings are stored and readily retrievable streamlining initial setup or replacements and any configuration changes on an EAS device are automatically stored in HALO as a chronological list of configuration files. In combination with automated backups, HALO users are assured the most current configurations for every EAS devices are saved and accessible.

Advanced Configuration Module [HALO-ACM]
Adding the Advanced Configuration Module (ACM) significantly enhances device management enabling users to review, compare and edit configuration settings directly within the HALO user interface, allowing complex configuration comparisons and modifications far easier than ever before. Using the ACM configuration files, software updates, or rollbacks on a single or multiple EAS devices can be performed remotely saving a substantial amount of time. Now test releases or mass updates can be done quickly without having to individually deal with each device greatly reducing manpower requirements and increasing reliability.

EAS Logging Module [HALO-ELM]
This module provides simple filtering and sorting features of basic EAS alert data; alerts decoded, forwarded, and originated, event codes, FIPS codes, Originators, EAS Station IDs, and Date/Time) for the simplest types of overall report generation. The EAS Logging Module is the basis for the expanded features available in the Advanced Reporting Module [HALO-ARM].

Advanced Reporting Module [HALO-ARM]
As its name implies, the Advanced Reporting Module expands the level and detail of reporting beyond the basic reports of the EAS Logging Module. Additional reporting features include; date ranges, filtering, sorting, histograms, charts and calendars. Customizable report templates may be saved for easy recall and generation of new reports following a user-defined set of criteria, say weekly, or monthly reports by region or group, or combine information to assemble an EAS Test Reporting System (ETRS) spreadsheet – greatly streamlining this labor-intensive process. The EAS Logging Module [HALO-ELM] is required.

License Key Module [HALO-LKM]
Many features are enabled through license keys and managing these on each device can be very time-consuming. The HALO License Key Module manages and automates this process providing a unique global view of license keys, even enabling users to remotely enable/disable licensed features and manage license keys across the entire HALO environment.

Alarm Notification Module [HALO-ANM]
Monitoring HALO Core Module data for potential problems with EAS devices is the purvey of the Alarm Notification Module. Setting customizable notifications regarding any number of parameters, fault conditions, changes in HealthBeats, access, configuration changes, a nearly unlimited number of parameters of alarms can be assigned. Each notification may be sent in a variety of manners; via e-mails, SMS messages, and/or on-screen displays, and a consolidated SNMP MIB from a single source rather than from hundreds of individual devices streamlines interfacing with other alarm notification tools. The HALO EAS Logging Module [HALO-ELM] is required.

Advanced Authentication Module [HALO-AAM]
The Advanced Authentication Module enables HALO to support LDAP or RADIUS authentication for centralized username and password management while certain permissions are maintained within HALO

Redundancy Module [HALO-HRM]
The vast quantity and criticality of gathered data is essential so, the HALO Redundancy Module provides a secondary instance of the database to prevent a single point of failure. All data is mirrored on the second system and automated failover is performed using a separate ‘watchdog’ application to monitor and determine a need to switch operations between databases. Also, an administrator can force a manual changeover of the active server for maintenance or testing purposes. When the active server is changed, clients are automatically connected to the active server with no interaction necessary and minimal disruption to system control. Redundancy Module [HALO-HRM]

Dashboard Viewer Module [HALO-DVM]
Powerful visualization tools provide customizable information displays - dashboard views -for each HALO user or group. Dashboards include items like lists/tabular data, maps with data pins or shaded/affected areas. Rollover/mouse-over information provides device name, monitoring source status and last EAS alert information and with the unique browser integration users can directly access the EAS device within the same screen. Very useful when checking real-time information or making changes directly on a device. Using the Dashboard Viewer Module each user can see what’s most important to them. The EAS Logging Module [HALO-ELM] is required.